Building Backlinks for SEO

Link Building is Your Most Effective Online Marketing Tool

In the world of SEO (search engine optimization), the humble backlink is still the single most essential tool for getting the top ranking results your website needs in Google search. A backlink links your website to other pages and Google notices that link. Having a large number of quality backlinks can have a big impact on ranking higher on major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yandex. Link building has become the biggest SEO technique and shows the best ROI (return on investment) for SEO marketing campaigns.

Why? Well, new backlinks get results. All major search engines, but especially Google, give your website more juice when it has backlinks. It is the biggest ranking factor on a long list of more than 200 ranking factors Google’s algorithm takes into consideration.

At one time, even low-quality links could help your ranking. This was because back in the early days of the internet, search engines used backlinks as a popularity measurement. The more links a site had, the more popular it was, and so the better it would appear in SERPS. But that is no longer the case, and link building strategies have had to evolve as much as the search engine algorithms have.

Today, to get great SEO results you must have high-quality backlinks that come from relevant, authoritative sites. That is like getting a good reference from a trusted source, and it can mean everything to the way your law firm is perceived.

Each piece of content you publish on your website and all of your web pages have the potential to be a target for linking, making content marketing a cornerstone of your link building campaign and overall marketing strategy.  But you need to make sure your new content is written and optimized to be relevant content to specific search queries.

Benefits of Building Good Backlinks

Organic SEO is achieved through a natural placement on an organic search engine results page. Backlinks help significantly in this process. If your content gets organic links from other websites, that content will rank higher with the major search engines. The benefits of building high-quality links include:

Improve your organic ranking. You will see that as your backlink count increases in quantity and quality, your traffic to your website will increase in tandem. Month over month, and year over year, more backlinks bring more clicks and more visitors to your site. This increases the potential to generate leads and business through just the website.

Search engine bots can find links to your site. This means those bots can crawl your site successfully. And that means that your site will be discovered and indexed more quickly.

Your site will benefit from referral traffic. Google reports visits to your site from sources outside of its search engine through referral traffic. Referral traffic is usually targeted and has a low bounce rate. This is a major advantage to your law firm.

How Can You Build the Best Backlinks?

This is a multi-tiered process. It takes time and consistency. Remember to always Trust the Process. Here is a quick checklist:

  • Create great content. If you create relevant, informative articles and other quality content, users will naturally link to your website.
  • Promote your content. It can be very helpful to promote your best content through email outreach.
  • Use guest bloggers. Presenting blogs written by authoritative experts can bring meaningful traffic to your website.
  • Write testimonials. When you write testimonials for the websites you are using, you can earn a link from the home page of an authoritative website.
  • Utilize relevant journalists and respected bloggers. Reaching out to local media, or even national media and finding ways to use these influential individuals is a great way to share information about your law firm.

ACE’s Tools and Tips for Building Quality Links

Building links isn’t easy and link building tools are hard to come by. They don’t work like Google Analytics, where you push a button or create a filter and everything is displayed for you. They’re indirect and utilize out-of-the-box thinking to bring home the ability to find the best link opportunities for your website to obtain new links.

  • Moz – This is one of our all-time favorite tools. It’s a great place to start, too. Moz shows and teaches you how to think about SEO and really gives you insight on how to build links. It also has tools that will crawl a site and give you that site’s link data. So you can check your own links, you can check my links, you can check your competitor’s links. It was Moz that moved the industry away from the useless and defunct stat of Google Pagerank and on to newer advanced metrics like Domain Authority.
  • Ahrefs Site Explorer – This is a tool similar to Moz. But Ahrefs can also help you find link opportunities through broken link building. You can run a search and find broken links on sites that fit your theme or relevant content ideas and then reach out to those sites to become the new link that fixes the broken link. Ahrefs and Moz also give you stats like domain authority and Domain Rating which help you find link building opportunities with high authority sites. That gets you more SEO value with each new link you build.
  • Guest Posting and Blog Comments – This is a tactic that you can utilize the above tools to find places to do these things. Guest posting is pretty straightforward. You offer a blog or piece of new content that you created to a web site that takes guest bloggers. The tradeoff is that the site mentions you as the author and links back to your website. You get a high-quality link high authority website and the website gets new content it didn’t have to pay for.
  • Internal Links Strategy – This is an often overlooked strategy in link building. You can link your own pages internally. You can make sure your new content, like your latest blog or service page, links to relevant pages on your own site, like the home page. This is an amazing and easy technique that you can take advantage of right away. You enhance the user experience, which search engines like Google list as a ranking factor, you make it easier for the search engine bots to crawl and find your content by linking the pages together, and you control everything about the link – from the anchor text to the URL string. Whether your website is built on WordPress or Wix or Duda this is a super easy way to enhance your link building capabilities.

ACE, The Number One Legal Marketing Company Has the Key to Obtaining Quality Backlinks For Your Law Firm

ACE works hard to stay on top of the ever-changing world of digital marketing for lawyers. Maryann and her team of SEO Commandos understand the impact and importance the right backlinks can have for your website and your law firm. Building the best backlinks for your website is just one of the many ways ACE can help law firms demonstrate their integrity, their experience, and their trustworthiness to potential clients searching and finding them on the internet. To learn more about how ACE can help you with backlinks and your other digital marketing needs, please call Maryann Fasanella today at 215-510-216, or contact Advisory Concept Evolvers: Law Firm Marketing Company online for a free, no obligation, digital marketing consultation, and assessment. In addition to building the best backlinks, ACE offers a full range of marketing services, including website design, video marketing, social media marketing, pay-per-click campaigns, reputation management, blogs, press releases, email marketing, and more.

Contact ACE and Start Building Backlinks to Climb to the highest Peak of Your Digital Pathways!

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